Dr Gold in Bite Magazine

Our very own Dr Eli Gold was featured in the recent edition of Bite Magazine, following the success of his book, How To Put Your Dentist Out Of Business.

Talking to the magazine about himself, the book and his motivation to write it, it is a very interested read. After putting together notes for the book for years, with the goal of empowering patients to do the right things at home, the final impetus to begin the book itself came from an interesting place.

"It was back in 2007 when I saw Kevin Rudd make the pronouncement that climate change was the greatest moral challenge of our lifetime,” Dr Gold explains. “And I remember thinking that Australia was also facing the greatest oral challenge of our lifetime."

Read the full Bite Magazine article, or learn more about Dr Gold's Book.

To purchase the book from our website, click here.

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Dr Eli Gold has written a book ‘HOW TO PUT YOUR DENTIST OUT OF BUSINESS’, providing quick & easy tips & invaluable information for pregnant women, babies, children, teenagers, adults & seniors.